Dec 2018 • Satami x JCDecaux Transport Innovate Festival 2018
JCDecaux Transport has started since 2016 an MTR Advertising Innovate Festival aimming to provide a valuable opportunity for tertiary students to showcase their creative ideas and skills.
It is our second year to be invited as one of the sponsoring advertisers in 2018 campaign. Our in-house marketing team has given a briefing session on our current marketing concept to the contestants and we let them put together their ideas at their pitching sessions. After a careful selection process, we have finally chosen the winner team who we considered have shared and put alive their good ideas in form of online videos. The videos can now be found in varies social media platforms, our website and in the MTR stations in Hong Kong.
Please visit our campaign site at satami.com.hk to enjoy the fun.
2018 Winner
Team Name: Spectrum (The University of Hong Kong)
Team Member: Ma Chun Hon